If you will recall a recent blog was titled "W". That was Keegan's obsession at the time. This blog is titled "train tracks". Yet another obsession. Except this obsession is seriously excessive. Mommy is aware that a 2 year old should encouraged to talk, however, lately she finds herself bribing Keegan to stop. Mostly because he is on repeat: "train tracks", "see the train tracks", "look, train tracks", "train tracks train tracks train tracks." You get the idea. In 15 minute ride to day care he probably says "train tracks" 100 times. He turns everything into train tracks--yellow lines on the road, grass, sidewalks, whatever. Anyway. Mommy actually bribed Keegan with a popsicle tonight to stop saying it. He didn't get the popsicle.
On to pictures.
Last year Mommy tried to give Keegan a popsicle to help with teething..he hated it..this year he is totally addicted to them!
Over the weekend the outdoor mall had a "Family Adventure Festival" day which Keegan went to with his friends
This is when all the other hundreds of kids were sitting quietly watching people from the zoo show animals...Keegan is dancing and Charity is taking notes on how to push her Mommy's buttons
Keegan scored a Husker flag...we boo'd it but let him carry it anyway
Playing in the rotating water ball....it was a challenge getting him away from this
Summer is finally here! It got hot and we all needed a water break
He wanted the prizes this dude was giving away but this was as close to a high 5 as he got
Loved spending the day with his friend, Faith
Love summer days with the family!
Keegan decided he wanted his face painted
Fun in the sun wears a guy out! Mommy stopped for chicken nuggets at McDonalds for lunch and when we got home to eat them Keegan begged to take a nap instead of eat....mark that one down folks
Mommy and Daddy braved going out to dinner with the boy who turns into a devil the MOMENT we enter a restaurant...luckily he brought a train and turned nearly everything into "train tracks!"
Cinnamon Rolls!!
Just reading a book while eating some cereal this morning
Drawing...what else...TRAIN TRACKS...with Daddy
It is so crazy to look back at last summer (which seems like last week) and see how much Keegan has changed! Every day new things come out of his mouth and he is speaking in longer phrases, occasional sentences, and way too much! He knows his ABC's and can count to 14, is proving to be quite the kicker with a soccer ball, and is obsessed with basketball hoops. Not as obsessed as with train tracks, but feels the need to point out every single one we see on a drive. Keegan is growing like a weed lately and with a new buzz cut looks like a little boy and doesn't have too many signs of his "baby years" left! He has a lot of fun stuff coming up: Memorial Day weekend at Nana and GGs, a visit from Great Aunt Rita, house hunting, and fun in the sun all summer!!