Sunday, December 30, 2012

Little of This..Little of That..Lotta Pictures!!

Edit: The preview function isn't working (arrgggghh technology and Mommy don't mix!) so if things are lined up funny, just move your eyes the right way and don't complain!

Finally! A real blog with real pictures from a real computer!!! Yahoo!! Before something else goes wrong enjoy the pictures....they include Thanksgiving (yes, back that far), Keegan's 1st hair cut (by now he's also had a 2nd) Christmas with Daddy's family, Christmas with Mommy's family, and a trip to see Keegan's Godfather and his family....oh and also a memory of the day Keegan went under the knife for tubes in his ears!

1st Hair Cut..complete with a Thomas movie and sitting in a race car


The final product! (there is about a hundred from each angle and each snip, but Mommy decided to spare you. Your Welcome.)

Waiting to be called back for his ear tubes! Merry Christmas, Kid..that was a fast several thousand dollars! (9 minutes to be exact)

Being silly

Thanksgiving weekend....swinging with Uncle Ethan and Aunt Megan..yet to be determined if Uncle Ethan "jarred" the swing at all...

                                      Gator ride with Grandpa Gary!

Enjoying a hard boiled egg before heading off to day care for his Christmas Program! (this kid was an all star at jingling his bell...Mommy has a video but let's be honest and think hard about her technology skills)

Sweet Kona...dressed up in his Christmas best

                      Lovin' on Cousin Kynnedy all decked out for her 1st Christmas

                              Didn't take him long to discover the meaning of Christmas!
                      Wrestling with Uncle Ethan...looks like Keegan got Mommy's muscles!

                    Nana and GG with their grandkiddos....both of whom seem a bit out of sorts!

 Mommy's Superhero! (look closely to see the cape attached to the back--thanks Aunt Megan!)

And Cousin Jace...aka Spiderman/Peter Parker/Web Slinger..Spiderman backback, jammies, and even headphones


                          Opening his sled from Cory, Erin, & Emma! Kona will love pulling it!

And a drum! Mommy can't wait to buy Miss Emma something super musical..maybe a whole drum set complete with those triangles and a harmonica!

                          Lounging around watching a movie and hanging out with friends

          Playing with Emma...probably not sharing well..but Emma was good spirited!

Phew...that's about all the pictures Mommy can muster. Hopefully we are brought up to date over the last few weeks. See you in 2013!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Finally, a Blog....Standards Lowered

  Well a blog from an actual computer is finally here. After hours of attempting to upload, move, export/import pictures...they have been added to the blog. Unedited, of course, because clearly it is impossible to get your pictures from your phone to a place on the computer for editing. Hmph. Enjoy these 2nd rate pictures!

Keegan absolutely loved everything about the Christmas season..the lights, the music (especially Jingle Bells), the tree, and of course..the PRESENTS!! He learned that word fast, and loved opening them as well as handing them out..followed by jumping and hand flapping while he waited to find out what was inside!

Keegan is going to be sorely disappointed in a few days when the tree disappears and Mommy begins to refuse to sing any more Jingle Bells or Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer..the only songs allowed before bed at the current time. 

Anyway...enjoy the pictures!

Keegan snacking on some broccoli

Family photo on the bus to "The Barn" where we sat with candles and hot chocolate and listened to the Christmas message.

                Santa found Keegan and brought him...hundreds of trains! And a train table!

                                             Keegan stealing some of Grandpa's grapefruit

                                            A big present!!

                                                        Spider-Keegan and Spider-Jace

 Keegan with his candle at "The Barn". Please note: Mommy realizes these pictures are totally out of order but again, technology.

       Enjoying a Spiderman comic (thanks Uncle Doug) at the Plantation

Mommy and Aunt Cari with "their" baby dolls: Baby Allison (left) and Baby Chris (right)

                                             Keegan loving him some Grandma time!

So there you have it. A bunch of pictures from a phone with no editing. Hmph. Technology. Anyway, Mommy & Daddy loved seeing pure joy on Keegan's face this Christmas. Nothing is better then seeing your baby's eyes light up when the see a Christmas Tree or get to open a present. Keegan continues to steal our hearts and make the world smile!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Keegan is thoroughly enjoying Christmas this year and hopes everyone else is having a Merry day with family!  Lots of pictures to come in a few days!

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Mommy discovered she could blog from a phone since the computer won't let her...which is great. .except it's a pain. But now since its possible here are a few random pics. ..

That last picture is Mr. Keegan before going back for tubes...which appear to be a waste of money...more on that later..for now enjoy those 3 pics...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Technical Time Out

After 3 days of attempting to upload photos, screaming/yelling/cussing at the computer, and daddy reminding mommy she is hopeless with technology--Mommy finally came across a blogger help forum which states that lots of bloggers are having issues uploading photos. PHEW. We were sure it was an operator error.

So, while Keegan does have tons of news and pictures to share--it may be a few days. For now, head to  this website and check out his 18 month pictures
Click on Main Site
Click on "clients" (bottom right, in blue)
Password: komp2


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankful, Thankful, Thankful

Mommy decided to do a Thanksgiving post today since the days up until the big day of feasting will be busy.

Pictures are in the rare this week but we promise to make up for on the long holiday weekend!

This year Mommy & Daddy have sooo much to be thankful for. Great jobs, living in a great city to raise a family, making some awesome friends, and of course--our Keegan!

Every day Keegan does or says something new to make Mommy thank God that he is part of our lives. From his smiles and belly laughs as a baby, to forming a personality (a strong willed one at that) and meeting milestone after milestone, to hearing " you!"...we just can't be more thankful to be his mom and dad.

It's the little things we are realizing...watching his eyes light up when he sees a Christmas tree...watching him snuggle up to his blanket when he is tired...begging us to read him story after story...he is the center of our Thanksgiving this year!

We thought it would be fun to look back a year and see a picture of Keegan's 1st Thanksgiving.. is as it looks...8 month old Keegan is defending his Thanksgiving dinner...and he continues the trend today...12 months later!

And today...a few days short of Turkey Day.... his high chair...this time yelling "touchdown!"

We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday full of fun with family and friends!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Keegan got to spend the weekend with his cousins from Iowa! Jace & Lexa came to visit and there was   playing, eating, and bad habits being learned going on!

                     On a walk with Kona..stopped for some play time!

           Killing time waiting for his cousins to arrive....a bubble bath!

Saturday was an oddly warm for November kind of day so a trip to the park was in order.

After lunch out at Aunt Cari's favorite restaurant (Bravo) some shopping took place complete with playing in the kids area

Supposed to be worn out after a long day...

Sunday was the complete opposite of Saturday...coooold and windy! So obviously a trip to the zoo was the event of the day!

Before the zoo we had to fill up on yummy cinnamon rolls at Wheatfields....Keegan and Lexa decided to hold hands under the table 

Looking at something super cool at the zoo!

It took all of mommy's efforts to keep Keegan from jumping in with animals

                            According to Aunt Cari.."they look just like us!"

                             Jace and Keegan taking time out for a photo op

                                                  Mommy and her love!

As good as it's going to get trying to get 3 sugar filled kids to stop, smile, and look the same direction!

Next weekend Keegan has some big plans....a first haircut! (maybe, if Mommy doesn't chicken out). Also--putting up the Chrismas Tree!! Tis the Season!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rabbit Rabbit.

It's officially November! (hence the "rabbit rabbit"..somewhere sometime mommy learned you are supposed to say "rabbit rabbit" on the 1st of the month).  ANYWAY....

November 1st means so many things....Halloween has come and gone...Thanksgiving is in the near future...and Christmas shopping/decorating/baking are about to begin!

October wrapped up with some fun events. Mommy went back to wine tasting country (SE Iowa) for a wine tasting tour with the gals of the family. Wine was drank, a wedding crashed, but luckily no repeats of last year.

                                   At the 1st winery stop of the day

A stop between winery 1 and 2 was made for some "horsechata" shots...normal in the neck of the woods apparently

Keegan dressed up this year as a Rock Star..or something of the sort. Complete with girl's skinny jeans and a blue mohawk he played the part well!

                       Heading to day care for his Halloween Party

  Heading out trick or treating..which Mommy & Daddy were way more excited about the Keegan

Keegan spent the majority of his time in the wagon..his favorite place...he did hop out here and there to beg for candy

                                                    Digging for some loot

Morning after....Mommy swears on that blue mohawk she washed Keegan's hair twice...and when he woke up it was crazy out of control!

Happy Halloween and bring on Thanksgiving & Christmas!