Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Race Against the Odds

This past weekend Mommy & Keegan participated in a 5k (ok, they did the 1 mile) which benefited research for pediatric brain cancer. The race was extra special to Mommy because this one was in honor of one of her patients, Caleb. He is a 9 year old boy who was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor at age 3. He was given 6 months to live but has beaten the odds! He went through chemo, radiation, and surgeries and was a fighter. After so many rounds of radiation he had a stroke at age 4 which left physical and mental impairments. Today Caleb is a sweet, funny 9 year old with a little brother and parents who would give him the world. It was awesome seeing so many local people getting together to support him!

              This is Mommy, Dr. Sheri (who Mommy works with) and Caleb before the run

If anyone ever gets the chance to do a race or any other event for this cause, please do it. When we see Caleb and his family come into the office, all smiles, it puts life into perspective and what we take for granted. Mommy will be giving Keegan extra hugs (as if there is room for more!) and saying extra prayers for Caleb and any other kiddos and parents in similar situations. They are all much stronger then this Mama! 

Apparently Mommy was off her game with the camera this week. We just have a few photos from race day to share...

Getting his face painted...

                           This is how he spent much of his day, carrying around a mirror

                                  Playing some of the games they had set up for the kids

Face painting, balloons, prizes.... Mommy had to do some serious stroller emptying when we left

 Keegan was such a well behaved boy that Mommy took him out for pancakes after the race! He was in rare form hamming it up with strangers (gasp, yes, Keegan was ok with random people talking to them). In fact, everyone that walked by the table Keegan yelled "hey! it's delicious!".  The kid cracks Mommy up.

Keegan's newest fad is (well besides jackets, because well "brr mommy it's cold!") is wearing his hat backwards. Bad to the bone.

Keegan has some visitors (well really Daddy does) coming this weekend but with them comes a girl just a few months older then him. Perhaps we will see some young love??

Sunday, July 21, 2013

What to Expect.....

On a road trip with Keegan. One should expect talking. And a lot of it. And that's really about it. Not silence, not a sleeping child, not a screaming child, just talking. And more talking. Mommy & Keegan just got back from an extended weekend in Iowa which means a 4.5 hour car ride....there and back. A little taste of what Mommy got for 9 hours...

Keegan: "see the clouds Mommy?"
Mommy: "yes, Keegan they are nice"
Keegan: "they are white"
Mommy: "yes they are, good job"
Keegan: "I want to eat them"
Mommy: "You want to eat the clouds?"
Keegan" "yes, with ketchup. awesome"

While stopped waiting for the insanely intense pouring down rain to stop..

Keegan: "It's raining"
Mommy: "yup"
Keegan: "can i get out?"
Mommy: "no Keegan, it's raining"
Keegan: "but i want to touch it and lick it"

Keegan: "mommy stop the car"
Mommy: "why?!"
Keegan: "im pooping"
Mommy: "do you want to poop in the potty???"
Keegan: "no, in diaper"
Mommy: "you want me to stop the car so you can poop in your diaper?"
Keegan: "YES"

Other highlights include playing hide and seek with the moon, singing 42 billion songs, counting to 15 and telling himself good job (also 42 billion times), and of course a lot of talk about what he did and who he saw all weekend. Needless to say Mommy was thrilled to see the "welcome to Omaha' sign.

On to pictures...

First stop (after our 11pm arrival in Iowa) on Thursday morning was the Niabi zoo with a whole bunch of family! We never did get a group picture, but included in the family fun was Mommy, Keegan, Grandma, Cari, Jace, Lexa, Tracy, Ashlan, Debbie, Kay, Chrissy, Tate, Tauren, Jarrett, Angie, Emma, Courtney, Abbie, and Bogdon. 

Taking a train ride around the zoo with Grandma

                  Keegan sweet talked Mommy into a pony ride

                   First ride on a carousel...he is still talking about it!

Aunt Cari & Lexa don't get out much and thought the train ride was similar to a roller coaster

The next day was another huge family trip to the pool. This was Keegan's first time at a big community pool and it was a great one for kiddos with a huge zero entry area. He really enjoyed it and after 2 hours was not ready to leave! No pictures were taken as we figured no pictures were better then a lost child. After the pool was just more random family fun...

This is Jace, age 6 1/2 in his sister's shorts. Size 2T. Not sure exactly what to be most concerned with. This picture will be saved for graduation, wedding, and any other possibly embarrassing moments

  Cousin love..they were best friends all weekend...well except when they weren't.

What is better then watching a new Thomas movie (thanks Aunt Cari!) and snoozin' on Grandma's bed?!

A weekend wouldn't be complete without family fun at the Plantation. Saturday's fun included a slip n' slide, sprinkler, pools, chalk, outdoor games, food, and a whole 'lotta fun!

Keegan turned on his charm again and convinced Mommy to give him part of an ice cream sandwich

                                                    Sprinkler fun!

                Just 2 cousins..laying on a swing bed...lookin' cute

                    Kiddos at the Plantation eating yummy summertime food

Grandma (who is new to technology and a sudden pinterest and facebook junkie) saw a "wonderful" craft online and decided to give it a whirl. You put a bar of ivory soap in the microwave and it gets all huge and bubbly and then you are supposedly able to mold it and color it with crayons. For us it crumbled, was unable to colored and ended up in eyes. But fun was still had!

To end the weekend we took a trip to the park and played and had a picnic.

And to prove just how fun and exhausting the weekend was....
This was the 50 minute period where Mommy wasn't answering constant questions. Ahhh the peace. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

To Grandmother's House We Go...

Keegan is packing and gearing up for an extra long weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's. Mommy had some vacation to use and the whole family--aunts, uncles, cousins, etc had planned a trip to the zoo in Davenport. So off we will go after work on Wednesday!

Keegan is looking forward to all the fun coming up, but he has been having plenty of fun at home, too!

Keegan spends a lot of time chasing Kona, hugging Kona, and begging Kona for kisses...

                    This is a rare occasion when Kona isn't avoiding all the.."love"

                          Mommy & Keegan enjoying some park time!

 Saturday night Mommy, Daddy, & Keegan went out for wings (and grilled cheese) and decided to browse around a store next door...Keegan wasted no time modeling some items

Keegan went swimming and got his first use out of his puddle jumper that Grandma F. sent him...he's not a fan of actually having it on but loves that he can be independent in the pool!

That's all folks. Stay tuned as we are sure to have a bazillion pictures after a huge family zoo trip, a BBQ (complete with a waterslide), a pool day, possibly a 5k with Mommy, and hopefully some relaxation!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Just Another Walk in the Park...

Keegan convinced Mommy to hit the park after work/daycare this afternoon.....check out his adventures!

                       Didn't waste anytime racing up to the equipment!

                                              Weeeee I love the slide!

                           Against Mommy's will he started up ladder thingy
   And to Mommy's proud heart he made it the whole way with no help!

                            Favorite way of going down the slide...on his belly

                                                Love the park!!!!

                     We discovered a little trail that went through the woods

             We even spotted a deer! Pardon the blur, this was like 90000X zoom!

       Keegan made some new friends he climbed around with for awhile

                                        Love our little Monkey Man

In BIGGER news--Keegan decided it was time to join the big kids at day care and nap on a mat on the floor (instead of his pack and play inside away from the others). Mommy would have had no idea except that on the way home the other night Keegan said "slept on mat!". Proud boy and proud Mama!! We do have a picture (thank you, Judy) and Mommy promises to post it later...as she knows you all are just as proud :)