Sunday, March 15, 2015

Happy Birthday, Keegan!!!!

Finally, a reason for Mommy to buck up and upload some pictures for a blog! This one will soley focus on the big event...drum roll please....Keegan's 4th Birthday!!

It is absolutely unreal that our first born baby boy is 4 years old today. Kenny Chesney would say..."don't blink"..suddenly that 8 pound 4oz baby full of chub and rolls is a little boy begging to start kindergarten.

Keegan has really come out of his shell over the past year. A once timid, extremely shy mama's boy is now an outgoing, people loving, brave mama's boy!

Mommy could go on and on about how great Keegan is, how smart he is, how he can write his letters, do simple addition, and spell simple words, and how proud she is of his sudden love for jumping in a pool and paddling around...but instead we will leave you with a few fun facts and some pictures!

At 4 Years Old....
*33ish pounds and 38ish inches (we will find out next week at his 4 year check up..what we do know is that he is a tiny peanut!)
*size 4T clothes and some 3T pants/shorts
*size 10 shoe
*loves drawing/coloring, going to the park, swimming, doing worksheets, and playing with Cooper
*talk non story fades into the next and at some point we are pretty sure you talk just to hear your own fact you have at times been removed from the lunch table at Judy's due to excessive talking and Mommy has been told "good luck at kindergarten parent/teacher conferences"
*just finished up taking tumbling, which you loved, and are excited to start soccer in a few weeks
*are a fanstastic eater loving things like eggplant, mushrooms, and broccoli..and of course the staples like grilled cheese and chicken nuggets!
*are still a mama's boy..which is fine mostly..but at times gets to be a little much..however Mommy is certain there will be a time she will yearn for that mama's boy...
*are growing up WAY too fast....slow down baby boy!

  Keegan woke up on his big day to balloons hanging from his doorway!

He was SO excited..and ran out yelling "it's my birthday!"

Time for presents!

Nerf Gun!

Out to a birthday breakfast at Village Inn...a funny face pancake!

Cooper got in on the fun tasting some eggs and pancakes for the first time!

Nothing better then a birthday on a Sunday with all day to hang out and roll around with your best friend

This part 1 of 2 of our recent life...Mommy decided Keegan deserved a blog all about his birthday. Coming up in a few days we will relive the children's museum, vacation to Branson, and outdoor fun!

Happy Birthday, Keegan. You light up a room with your huge personality and fun loving spirit. Mommy and Daddy couldn't have hand picked a more perfect first kid! You are ridiculously smart and so loving and caring towards other people. We can't wait to continue to watch you grow up and see you succeed in whatever you decide to do....and we are hoping your goals change from "staying home alone to watch netflix!" We love you, sweet Keegan!