Monday, November 24, 2014

A Blog Just Because.

 Before we dive into the adventures of the past week...there was a blog put up last weekend, accept apparently Mommy just previewed it and never hit publish. So sorry to all of you who I'm sure were just dying of suspense as to what the 2 crazies had been up to...anyway onto the more recent stuff!
Big boy loving airplane rides!
Daddy's favorite...BABY LEGS!! 
Kickin back and reading a book 
So sad :( 
Keegan's most favorite thing..his own Christmas tree in his room! 
He makes the holiday 1000x better! 
Enjoying ice cream after dinner 
Love him 
His favorite part of Christmas so far is "putting the ornaments on the tree" 
Just because we need more pictures of Coopa!
Finally he can lift his big ol' noggin for more then a second! 
Movie and of his favorite things to do 
Loooooved playing in the snow! 
Hot chocolate! 
Short and sweet. Just like Keegan. Happy Thanksgiving week! 

Thursday, November 6, 2014


 October has turned into November and life with 2 boys is as crazy and sweet as ever! Cooper turned 3 months, Keegan dominated trick or treating, and Mommy has officially thrown in the towel on a clean house. We are now going for the "lived in" look. It works well. Pictures below are in no particular order!
Cooper and Daddy snuggling...Daddy tried to get up and baby started to fuss but stopped immediately when he layed back down...he is a snuggler for sure!
Helping Mommy make "Daniel Tiger Bars" 
Brothers :) 
Napping on a friend's couch in Kansas City 
In Kansas City for Halloween....catching up with his good friends, Faith and Charity! 
It was too cold for Cooper's real costume so he got bundled up in this (too small) snuggly bear suit!
Making himself at home in Charity's room
Lazy trick or treaters 
This neighbor had it all...a big blow up screen TV showing Moster's Inc....
....a bubble machine...
....a keg for mom and dad! 
Cheering on the Royals in the final game of the World Series!
He can make Cooper laugh anytime and anywhere
Intently watching the Royals with Daddy
After Keegan somersaulted off the couch directly onto his head...Cooper clearly wasn't too worried about him
Earlier in the week trick or treating at the outdoor mall 
Pumpkin patch! 
Train ride at pumpkin patch 
Slide races...take that Uncle Jordon and Kynnedy! 
Leave it to Keegan to fall into a rotted pumpkin... 
Looking for the perfect one! 
Found it! 
Cousins enjoying the pumpkin patch 
Map reading.... 
Lets hope he didn't get Mommy's  map reading skills....
And to end the bomb of pictures we threw at you..enjoy a clip of Cooper laughing at Daddy!
And that is the conclusion of the last few weeks of our crazy lives! Tune back for more soon!