Monday, February 25, 2013

Snow Day.

Keegan got his first snow day last week! Mommy & Daddy, too. In the end we didn't get an over abundance of snow, but ending the day at noon worked for us! We made great use of our extra time...

                    We snacked on popcorn while sitting on Daddy....

                           Ate suckers that Mommy thought sure she hid...

      Played with Play-Dough (which Kona managed to eat...don't ask)

                     Did some sort of combination of Yoga/Tumbling....

                      Played trains while managing to watch a movie at the same time.....

                            Jumped on the couch....(was there extra sugar in that sucker?!)

Here ends the snow day...the rest are pictures just because...and well..we've been busy having fun!

Mommy found Keegan in her....underwear  drawer...he had nearly every pair aroud his neck

 Mommy & Daddy decided to they were desperate enough to go out to eat to brave Keegan at the Olive Garden....we're pretty sure the waitor was flying around trying to get us in and out..but whatever! The kid loves pasta!

Keegan go to experience sledding for the first time--and loved it! Well until his mittens were full of snow.

 This is what happens when you leave the room for..oh...less then a minute..on a table, drawers out, driving tractors on shelves...ahhh to be a toddler boy

Keegan helped Mommy make him a pizza! He put all his own pepperoni on

                                                .....and snuck a few bites in between!

That's all for now..signing off!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Weekend.

Keegan had a slew of visitors over the weekend--it was girls' weekend so he got to hang with Mommy, Grandma, Aunt Cari, Fabulous Aunt Kay, Friend Tami, and cousins Jace & Lexa.  To put it mildly it wasn't Keegan's most spectacular of well behaved weekends but well..we still had fun..and he's 2..soooo there is more where that came from.

Once Jace & Lexa arrive Friday afternoon they didn't waste any time becoming fast friends...

                                   Jace sharing his Leap Pad with Keegan

These 2 were less then calm..this is them pushing the easel across the entire house..leaving pieces behind with every step

                                           "We're Tired"....fake out.

Making sure Keegan's heart was healthy for the dance party that was about to begin...

The pictures to follow do not come close to doing justice to how these 2 looked dancing to Yo Gabba lasted a good 30-40 minutes and they never stopped--why didn't we video?!

                       Phew...dancing is tiring and deserves a snack!

 Lexa (or her mommy) decided it would be beautiful to have pierced ears....she did great!

Mommy did her part in stimulating the long that Keegan took a 2 hour nap in his stroller! (Thank God for any of those who witnessed the incredible tantrum prior to the nap)

Saturday night Mommy decided to do some ear candling...needless to say the absolute best photo won't be displayed of Aunt Cari (picture a cauldron...but over an ear...totally absurd)

By the time Sunday morning rolled around Mommy had dealt with enough tantrums to last her a  lifetime and decided a yummy Mimosa would be a nice addtion to breakfast

 Keegan putting on his charmer face as Mommy chugs her alcohol!

It was a great weekend with family and friends, Keegan showed a new side to everyone, and we all hope we never see that side again. Cheers to the terrible two's!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

In Sickness & In Health...

It finally happened...Keegan caught the nasty bug/virus that so many other kiddos have had. Mommy spent much of last week bragging at work about how he has avoided all the sickness...well apparently the wood she knocked on wasn't real wood because Sunday our little man woke up with a fever!!


Over the weekend we packed up and headed back to visit the Kansas grandparents. Keegan was super excited and began the weekend having a great time!

Keegan got to hang with Cousin Kynnedy Friday night...and although she was sporting her very own breathing treatment machine he decided to lay on the kisses....(is this where he picked up his virus?!)

Saturday we decided to head to the library to play in the kid's zone. It was a wonderful place and Keegan had an absolute blast!

                       Nana showing Keegan how to build the perfect airplane...

                               Mommy & Keegan time out at the library!

Outside! Seriously the kid could care less if it's snowing, raining, freezing...he would stay outside all day long if he could

Sunday...D-Day..or F-Day (fever day)...he woke up pretty miserable and got progressively worse....

No, not the same day as the fever. The computer arranges the pictures in any order it pleases..this is back at the library

 Again at the library..playing with mega huge blocks!! (check out Nana's cheesy grin in the background...playing with Keegan will do that to you!)

And Monday night....Keegan was absolutely miserable..mommy & daddy began to worry a little as his fever kept rising and he kept getting more and more lethargic....

No worries! Tuesday morning Keegan woke up, bounced out of bed, and began yelling "no" and tormenting Kona as if nothing ever happened. Miraculous recovery if Mommy's ever seen one but we will take it!

Check back soon as Keegan has another family filled weekend coming up. His other cousins (Jace & Lexa), aunt, great aunts, and other grandma are headed to town to have a girls weekend! (well girls weekend plus Keegan & Jace!)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Oodles & Oodles of Love..(and pictures!)

Lately Mommy has been realizing just how over the moon she is for Keegan. Perhaps it's his expanding vocabulary that includes "love you mama" or all the lyrics to several songs at bedtime..or his simple "mama!!!" with a huge smile when he knows I get home...regardless he is one loved little boy! 

Keegan hasn't been up to a whole lot lately. He got to spend some time with Grandma & Grandpa last weekend as they came to town to buy a brand spankin' new car. Other then that..same old same old...cinnamon rolls at Wheatfields, begging for bath time, and playing with trains, puzzles, books, and his newest love---wait for it---a flasahlight!

Introducing Grandma & Grandpa to his cinnamon rolls

                                   Having a serious conversation with Grandma

                                              "Wear the hat, Grandma!!!"

Every night he begs for a bath...every few days he gets one and he takes full advantage!

                                    Wooohooo!! Mama made blueberry pancakes!!

Temperature rose just a hair and we couldn't keep him inside....c'mon springtime!!

And this would be Keegan's face when Mommy is bargaining: one blueberry in exchange for one bite of dinner (which happened to be yummy, he just wasn't in to trying it!)

Sunday proved to be boring so a mid-day bath was in order...and he colored with his new bath colors from Aunt Megan & Uncle Ethan!!

Mommy & Daddy are so incredibly thankful for Keegan picking us to be his parents!! He is the absolute light of every day and makes it so easy to smile. Check back soon for his upcoming trip to see his other grandparents...Nana and GG!!!