Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Another holiday in the books. Easter 2013 is deemed a success. After lots of cousin time, 3 Easter egg hunts, and way more chocolate then mommy wants to admit Keegan is wiped out! Tonight after getting home from a long weekend he said "bed time please?". That's when a kid is tired....!

Jace reading "Green Eggs and Ham"....for just being in kindergarten that kid can read!

                        Easter egg hunt #2 (#1 was at day care).....he dominated!

After he put the other 0-2 year olds to shame (city egg hunt was divided into age divisions) he took a time out to play at the park

Keegan & Lexa were the best of friends (well 90% of the time) and played all weekend....Mommy would go hours without hearing "mama?!!"....and it was kinda nice/strange

        After his 3rd egg hunt he became a real chocolate lover!

                                       Cousins after hunting for Easter eggs!

                                           Hunting for eggs with Daddy...

 Yes, he has a helmet on while blowing bubbles. It may seem strange but if you knew him it wouldn't.

Keegan is utterly exhausted after such a great weekend but is resting up for Mommy day tomorrow! She took the day off work so more fun is planned!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Birthday Extravaganza!

Keegan had quite the Birthday...celebrating not once, not twice, but THREE times! He ate cupcakes, opened gifts, and shared lots of laughs and smiles!

He began his birthday week with Nana and GG coming to town and celebrating with them and Uncle Jordon & Aunt Erinn, and missing Uncle Ethan and Aunt Megan! Mommy got to try out lots of pinterest recipes and family fun was had.

                                                   Fun Elmo cupcakes!!

                                                         Tearing into presents

 Opening his present from Uncle Ethan & Aunt Megan that arrived in the mail...check out his face..."whoa cool!!!"

                                                 Playing with his new hoop

                                      More presents....a dump truck!

                                           An Elmo cupcake just for me?!

 Can't go to Wheatfields without throwing money in the fountain...thanks Nana!

After his first birthday weekend....Keegan was exhausted and watched TV with Mommy on the couch for a solid 4 hours. (no comments please Mommy typically isn't that lazy). We were worried an illness was brewing but he was just that tired!

Sneaking another cupcake in just because he's that cute :)

 On to the 2nd and 3rd birthday celebrations. First at Grandma & Grandpa's in Iowa...he got to hang with them and Aunt Cari but sadly no cousins. Thanks a lot Aunt Cari for selfishly wanting a quiet weekend sans kiddos. None-the-less he got MORE presents and got to see lots of other family Saturday night!

 Having a joint birthday party with cousin Hayden...too many presents!

 Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for a motorized car...he drives it everywhere!

             Sporting the new Spiderman shirt that no doubt cousin Jace picked out

He got a sand and water table, grow with me roller skates (yikes), and more Thomas stuff!

This is just because he's cute....chowing down on sweet potato fries after his 2 year pictures...during which he did not smile once and reminded us every 30 seconds he needed to eat

This past weekend wasn't all about Keegan. Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Cari, and the rest of the Pavement Princesses (a running team, including Kay, Tami, Chrissy, Tracy, and honorary Angie) ran in the "Shamrock Shuffle". It was like the color run and we ran 3 miles in the freezing cold getting showered with color along the way.

The group before the race started..yes Mommy missed the "it's cold" memo and wore shorts

After the race! So much fun..even the itchy contacts and color coated tongues

 Mommy & Aunt Kay were running so fast we had to stop to let others catch we detoured down a slide...apparently it was a high one because at the top Fabulous Aunt Kay was heard saying "ok, if I zip lined in Mexico I can do this".

Much more fun was had post race as the team took celebratory green shots at a nearby bar! There was also a comical peeing of the pants during the race but names won't be named :)

Tune in soon for more fun!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Happy Birthday, Keegan!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to our baby boy, Keegan. It is so surreal that he is 2 years old!! It literally seems like just yesterday we were trudging up to the NICU where he spent 4.5 days...and then in awe as he learned to crawl, walk, and unfortantely, talk! It seems like just yesterday we were planning a 1st birthday party, in disbelief that he was 1. And now he's 2! Wow. Anyway, enough with the shock.

At 2 years old, Keegan is growing and changing daily..maybe even by the hour! He learns sooo much new things every day. It blows our minds at least once a day the things that come out of his mouth. For example, the other day mommy asked for a cracker. Keegan's reply? "say please!". Mommy said "please" and received her cracker. Duh, mommy.

Some random facts about Keegan at age 2:

*Loves to eat! Not picky, will try about anything, but his heart still lies with the fruits!

*Drags around his blue blanket. Everywhere. Meal time? It better be on the back of his chair. Period.

*Is typically a great sleeper, sleeping about 11 hours at night and taking a 2-3 hour nap

*Is walking, running, jumping, climbing...he is always on the go. We call him "Hurricane Keegan" as he zooms around the house getting into..well..stuff.

* LOVES to be outside. The kid doesn't feel cold. He would spend 24 hours a day outside if you'd let him.

*Has a fairly developed vocabulary. He says hundreds of words, puts 3-4 words together that you can understand...and spits out sentences that no one can understand.

*Wears a size 2T clothes and size 6 and occasionally 7 shoe.

*Weight and Height? Somewhere around 25-26 pounds and 33-34 inches..we will find out next week at his 2 year check

*Is really into movies (thank you netflix) and books.  He is getting "Winnie the Pooh" for his birthday..shhhh

*Is absolutely the light of our lives. His laughter is infections, his smiles are cheesy, and the kid makes our heart melts. Life without him is absolutely impossible to imagine and we cannot wait to see where his life takes him!

Keegan spend last weekend celebrating with Daddy's side of the family and this weekend his heading to spend the weekend with Mommy's side. He will get presents, of course, and Mommy & Daddy are running in a 5k "The Shamrock Shuffle", complete with green mustaches. Tune in for pics :)

Happy Birthday, Keegan! We love you to the moon and back and didn't know someone so little could make such a big impact on our lives!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Random Stuff.

Keegan hasn't been up to anything overly exciting lately so he wanted to share just a few random pictures...

                         Keegan and Mommy being silly before work....

                                                    Naked fireman!

              Has there ever been a toddler boy more handsome then he?!

 Keegan had so much fun sledding last week that we found him with all his gear and his sled!

 Keegan helped Mommy & Daddy babysit cousin Kynnedy...he loved helping her eat some squash

 Teaching her everything she needs to to wrap mommy & daddy around your little finger!

Keegan has lots of fun coming up! He turns 2 next week so this weekend he's having a birthday bash with Nana and G.G!! He has requested Elmo stuff so Mommy is searching deep within for a creative side...check back for what will most likely be an epic fail. 

Ps...after we finished babysitting Keegan told Mommy he wished he had a little baby in the house ALL the time....hmmmm.....