Friday, October 4, 2013

A Walk in the Park...

This blog will be short. Mommy just thought we'd share a funny until she get up the motivation for a longer blog which will include Daddy's surprise 30th birthday party! Anyway....

Mommy & Keegan decided to take a walk to the park and play for awhile this afternoon. All started out normal as we strolled there and got out of the stroller to play. We swang, we went on slides, climbed stuff, and had fun. Then Keegan found a little friend to play with. He was probably about 3 years old (but who knows, Mommy is basing this on the fact that he was a good 3-4 inches taller then Keegan so maybe he was younger!) They started playing together (which was a shock in itself as Keegan is so shy) and Mommy quickly decided the boy was a mute. Or speech delayed. Or didn't speak English (he was Asian.) Anyway his parents let him come with us on a little jaunt through the woods and they played together for a long time. Mommy literally heard him say like 2 words the whole time. When we got back to his parents they asked if he had fun and he started rattling off all the stuff we did (saw deer, picked flowers, etc) and then ended it with "that kid talks a lot" pointing at Keegan. All Mommy could do was shake her head and sympathize.

On a side note, while in the woods and looking for "George" Keegan spotted a ghost. I don't know, Mommy never did see it but he was pretty convincing. Up until he decided it was a witch with a big hat. That was going to bite us. Mommy blames day care for that conversation.

On the way home, in which Keegan decided he would walk/run rather then ride in the stroller, we came on a lady walking her Golden Retriever. Keegan quickly made friends with it and asked the lady if he could ride the dog. Mommy got a strange look. Again, shook her head and sympathized. We convinced Keegan not to ride the poor dog but he insisted on walking the entire way on the trail with the dog. Hopefully that lady wasn't looking for a peaceful walk. Remember, "that kid talks a lot."

Finally we split ways and went up the street towards our house. And in the distance Mommy spots someone swinging on a swing hanging from the tree. She thought to herself how cute that would be if Keegan had a swing in his front yard from a tree...until they got closer...and realized it was a grown woman...wearing a sweater, jeans, and uggs...and it was 90 degrees outside. And she was swinging, really high. Anyway maybe no one else finds that strange.

And thus ends our walk in the park. This is the only picture Mommy captured (as she didn't have time to snap pictures while dealing with crazy) and it was on the walk home. Check back soon for more recent fun!

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