Sunday, January 11, 2015

Merry Christmas..Happy New Year...and a Hodge Podge of Pictures

At this point, Mommy is done making excuses for the time lapse between blogs. She could use the whole working full time, raising 2 kids (and a husband), trying to fit work outs in, throwing something that resembles dinner on the table every night, and attempting to not live in filth...however the real reason is...when all of the above isn't taking place....playing and snuggling with kiddos is waaay more important!

 Anyway, we hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Keegan and Cooper sure did...we are pretty sure nothing will ever top the way Keegan reacted to Christmas this year.  So on that note, enjoy the hodge podge of pictures, most likely in no particular order, and know that Mommy's new year's resolution is not to be more faithful on the blog! Sorry..the resolution is basically survival mode...with a blog here and there :)

                                      First bath usual Cooper is loving Keegan!

Poor baby got sick for the first time...luckily it was short lived..and Mommy enjoyed the snuggles!

On a carriage ride through Village Pointe!

Dance Party!

This kid passes out on anyone and anywhere can your heart not be so full it explodes?!

Christmas Eve!

Popcorn and a movie on Christmas Eve

Put out milk and cookies..however he said he was really hoping Santa would leave him the cookie with sprinkles!

He got it! A Big. Green. Bike.

Santa left these presents, too?!

Keegan picked this out out all by himself for Daddy..he was so excited!

Santa brought Cooper a new jumparoo!

One of the favorite gifts on Christmas morning

How get a beautiful day on Christmas to take the new bike for a spin!

Headed out to Iowa for a 2nd Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa and Jace and Lexa

Partaking in the excitement of opening presents!

Aunt Cari and Jace playing giant checkers!

Playing with his new art box from Jace and Lexa

 Kids gift exchange at the Auge Family Christmas...we read "Santa has the Sniffles" and every time they hear the word Santa they pass the gift to the right

Cousin Group Hug!

Cooper and Lexa

5 Months Old and as happy as can be!

Mommy and her couldn't be any sweeter

Cooper and GG relaxing...he was actually laying and smiling until right before the photo was taken!

This kid has just recently decided he wants to be able to move! Hopefully it doesn't happen for awhile

First hour into the Komp Christmas...decided to take 3 shots of different types of whiskey and see if they could guess which type...they all 3 guessed all wrong..and it appears Daddy is somewhat of a wimp when it comes to whiskey!?

New Capes!

Remote control bumper cars--what fun!

Cooper is a little piggy so we decided to introduce some oatmeal...."you think I am going to eat what?!"

In the end he loved it...but it definitely was a shock at first!

Loves this...he has to use a legend to know which colors go where and they make a picture

Just love this!

Pretty sure Cooper was smiling, too :)

Kona acted like he was playing with Cooper..until we realized all he did was slowly nudge him off his blanket and take over

Loves loves loves bathtime!

Cheering on Keegan at his first day of tumbling!


Reach for the sky!

Bear crawl

Beginning stages of learning a cartwheel

Phew! Tumbling was hard (and fun!) work so we stopped for coffee cake at Starbucks!

And to end this photo bomb of a blog..(if you are still with us) a couple of videos

This is Cooper watching Keegan be crazy

Keegan doing a back flip!

What a great start to 2015!! 

Keegan is going to be 4 soon..what?!! He is such an amazing kid with a huge heart! He absolutely adores his little brother and sometimes it just blows Mommy away. He loves doing school work and work sheets and is going to be very ready for kindergarten when the time comes. He just started tumbling (yes,only boy in the class!) and he said it was sooo fun and he loved it! He will start soccer in March, too!

Cooper is a little over 5 months and there are no words to describe this little boy. He has completely stolen Mommy's heart (again, after Keegan did!) and is the happiest baby we have ever seen. He loves loves loves his big brother and Kona. He is a peanut, at 15 pounds at 5 months, but not due to a lack of appetite! He just tried his first veggie, squash, and while we tried to capture a video it failed. He lunges out of his chair and wails if it isn't shoved in his mouth fast enough! He sleeps about 12 hours and sometimes will wake up once to eat and sometimes not. He truly is a blessing and Mommy is soaking in every single minute of him being a baby. 

We are so excited for what 2015 will bring, stay tuned for updates!