Monday, February 21, 2011

Stick a Fork In Me...

I'M DONE! Unfortunately, Keegan is not done baking. Mommy, however, is definitely ready to be done carting him around 27/4. There are several reasons to  confirm this little man better plan to arrive early...

1. Mommy was checking out at Target and ran her belly into the counter and doubled over in pain (and embarrassment)

2. Mommy wakes up every 45 minutes to pee at night and spends the next 45 situating then its time to pee again!

3. Sausage feet and hands. Enough said.

4. 1/2 a bowl of oatmeal is enough to make mommy throw up..there is no room for a stomach in there!

5. "Really..not til MARCH 28?? Or did you mean February?" --lovely people commenting on my due date

6. The "waddle" is perfected

7. Suddenly drinking castor oil to "naturally" induce labor doesn't sound so terrible....

8. You find yourself strategically picking out clothes that are "light" on days of doctor's appointments when being weighed is inevitable

9. The thought of a tanning bed, cold lunch meat, and full caffeinated coffee makes mommy giddy with excitement

10. The nurse at the doctor's office tells you it seems your jeans may be a little tight and cutting off baby's circulation

Mommy really does love her baby boy..he is just wearing out his welcome..quickly. Luckily there is only about 5 more weeks til the due date and with any luck more like 4 until Keegan makes his arrival!

In other news...Grandma Komp hosted a baby shower in Salina this past weekend and mommy and daddy came back with some great well as had a great time with family and friends!

The adorable cake for Keegan

Diaper Wreath!

Great Grandma Shannon chugging punch from a sippy cup!

The wonderful hostesses: Aunt Erinn, (Pseudo)Aunt Megan, and Grandma Komp

35 weeks...a little blurry but you get the point!!

Next week will be 36 weeks--tune in for belly pictures throughout the 9 months!!

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