Monday, January 31, 2011

The Impossible

It seems we have seen the impossible. Mommy never realized in a million years this sort of stretching and growing was possible. We have officially hit the 32 week mark...only 8 more weeks to go! (Although mommy is desperately hoping for more like 6.5-7 more weeks).  Keegan continues to grow...which in turn makes the belly he calls home grow...and is as active as ever.

While this picture is self explanatory, a humorous story seems appropriate. While in Omaha for the weekend, mommy was in the shower at the hotel and dropped the shampoo bottle. Upon bending over to pick it up, a seemingly growing by the minute behind hit the faucet and turned the shower off. Sigh. 8 more weeks. Or more like 6.5-7.

For good measure, this is what it's like to be big brother Kona. It has obviously been a rough day of eating, pooping, and playing with his rope.

Hopefully only 1 more belly picture at 36 weeks before we meet our little man!! Mommy fears the worst if we must take a picture at 40 one needs to see that!

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