Tuesday, September 9, 2014

6 Weeks!

Cooper is 6 weeks old today! Time is flying and in 2 short weeks the dreaded day will come when Mommy returns to work..for now we are pretending that day doesn't exist.

Over the weekend Keegan and Cooper and Mommy braved a 5 hour road trip to Iowa to partake in festivities with Mommy's family. It was Rodeo weekend and perfect weather which equaled Keegan's first parade, the apple orchard, pumpkin patch, and grilling/wine drinking at the plantation!

Keegan and Lexa watching the parade...waiting for candy to be thrown!

Creepy clown sneaking up on Hayden (Go Hawkeyes!)


Petting zoo with Fabulous Aunt Kay at the Apple Orchard

Listening to the demo on how the pumpkin launcher works

Enjoying the weather while big brother plays at the apple orchard

Snuggled up to Fabulous Aunt Kay, who also happens to be his Godmother!

Fried apple cider donuts...yes please

Hanging with Grandma at the plantation

Mommy couldn't possibly love this little peanut any more!


On the bouncing pillows at the pumpkin patch with Lexa and Hayden

Corn pit with Ashlan!

Launching himself off hay bails

 Rubber ducky races....no one else seemed to be cheering and hooting and hollering like we were! Keegan and Aunt Debbie must have scored the win!

Enjoying some apples!

Tasty treat that Ashlan thought Keegan needed! :)

And then Mommy's heart exploded with love...

Trying to catch a smile...caught the tail end!

6 weeks have absolutely flown by! Cooper is growing like a weed and becoming smiley and interactive! Keegan continues to be a stellar big brother and makes mommy so proud!

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