Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day to all those fantastic fathers out there! In case you don't know who you are....Keegan would like to especially recognize his own Daddy, Grandpa Bill, and GG! He is a lucky dude to have all you guys in his life and he wishes he could see his grandpas more often!

On that note...Keegan did spend the last 2 weekends with grandparents--last weekend in Iowa and this weekend in Kansas. He had a great time both places, however Mommy only has proof from Iowa because she didn't get to go to see Nana and GG. Rest assured he had a wonderful time and has told Mommy all about his adventures, including the River Festival where he made all kinds of crafts...that are now all over Mommy's freshly vacuumed carpet. Ahem. Anyway.

Keegan loves loves loves hanging with Jace and Lexa. He hadn't seen them since his birthday in March  (and he was sick that weekend so not much quality time was had) and he counted down the days starting the weekend before!

Park time with cousins! Jace was off playing basketball the whole time

Helping Grandma make strawberry pretzel salad....

Patting down the pretzel crust..immediately after Lexa picked her nose

Lunch time!

BBQ at the plantation....started out rainy so we had to eat inside...kid's table!

Roasting marshmallows...Keegan outta be a pro at that by now

 Interesting picture...this little girl was paid $60 to eat a Cicada (spelled right?)...anyway...she did it...she started a few times but it was tickling her tongue...eventually she chewed and chewed and chewed.....and earned $60

Loving spending time with tons of cousins/2nd cousins

Picking mulberries off the neighbor's tree that spills into Grandma and Grandpa's yard

 Mommy bribed them to help clean off the patio..Grandma has a few things to learn about how to use grandkids properly

Stopped back at the plantation so Kona and Chuck could have a puppy play date...and meanwhile the clippers came out and Mommy buzzed Keegan's hair!

Love that they love each other so much!

Keegan got to go watch Daddy dominate play sand volleyball this week

Headed out to go play in the sprinkler!

Cupcakes for Father's Day! After the amazing BBQ ribs Mommy grilled!

Keegan would also like to give a belated shout out to Grandpa Bill and say Happy Birthday last weekend! In other news...time is winding down before Cooper joins us! Luckily there isn't a lot of preparation to do since we have all Keegan's things from when he was a baby. Keegan is soooo excited and asks several times a day when Cooper will be here. Mommy can only assume he won't be quite as excited when the real deal hits. Tune in soon for more summer fun!

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